29 Jul ORA-00600 [kcbtse_encdec_tbsblk_1] When Duplicating PDB IN 19C
Seems that lately I have been getting all of the ORA-00600 errors possible when duplicating databases, and this is just another one in the list. This will be a very short blog post on how I worked around ORA-00600 [KCBTSE_ENCDEC_TBSBLK_1] when duplicating a PDB and TDE is enabled in the Source PDB in a 19.10 version.
Over the last months, the team had been seeing this ORA-00600 intermittently when issuing the duplicate command below:
RMAN> CONNECT AUXILIARY * 2> CONNECT CATALOG * RMAN> run { allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape' PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/u01/app/CV/commvault/Base/libobk.so, BLKSIZE=1048576 ENV=(CV_mmsApiVsn=2,CV_channelPar=ch1)" TRACE 0; allocate auxiliary channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape' PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/u01/app/CV/commvault/Base/libobk.so, BLKSIZE=1048576 ENV=(CV_mmsApiVsn=2,CV_channelPar=ch2)" TRACE 0; DUPLICATE DATABASE CDBPROD TO CDBSTAGE PLUGGABLE DATABASE 'PDBRENE' ; }
When I finally got involved and the problem was explained, I started to see a trend, whenever the duplicate command used an L0 + L1 backup for the restore, we were hitting the ORA-00600. Searching MOS, there are several bugs out there, but most are on the backup side of things, not on the restore side of it, so I couldn’t get an exact match.
Looking at the log and trace, you could see this happening on the incremental restore part of it.
## Database Log PDBRENE(5):Incremental restore complete of datafile 60 +DATAC1/CDBSTAGE/B871E50DDA0DCFD5E0530AFE10ACC7B6/DATAFILE/bill_01.7819.1079101617 PDBRENE(5): checkpoint is 426591948421 PDBRENE(5): last deallocation scn is 271840228442 Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdbstage/CDBSTAGE1/trace/CDBSTAGE1_ora_246596.trc (incident=115225) (PDBNAME=PDBRENE): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbtse_encdec_tbsblk_1], [5], [10], [616562690], [86], [2], [20], [4294967295], [], [], [], [] PDBRENE(5):Incident details in: /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdbstage/CDBSTAGE1/incident/incdir_115225/CDBSTAGE1_ora_246596_i115225.trc ## Trace File [TOC00000] Jump to table of contents Dump continued from file: /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdbstage/CDBSTAGE1/trace/CDBSTAGE1_ora_246596.trc [TOC00001] ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbtse_encdec_tbsblk_1], [5], [10], [616562690], [86], [2], [20], [4294967295], [], [], [], [] [TOC00001-END] [TOC00002] ========= Dump for incident 115225 (ORA 600 [kcbtse_encdec_tbsblk_1]) ======== [TOC00003] ----- Beginning of Customized Incident Dump(s) ----- ----- Abridged Call Stack Trace ----- <Skipped 2 stack frames> kcbtse_encdec_tbsblk_pdb1<-krbr3b2<-krbr1b1<-krbrValidateData<-krbrpr<-krbirbp<-pevm_icd_call_common<-pfrinstr_ICAL<-pfrrun_no_tool<-pfrrun<-plsql_run<-pricar<-pricbr<-prient2<-prient<-kkxrpc<-kporpc<-opiodr<-ttcpip<-opitsk<-opiino<-opiodr<-opidrv<-sou2o<-opimai_real <-ssthrdmain<-main<-__libc_start_main ----- End of Abridged Call Stack Trace ----- Partial short call stack signature: 0x90dfb4faae7825b1 . Tablespace key not found as expected. Key versions: pkv 4294967295 pkv2 4294967295 gkv 4294967295 gkv2 4294967295 input 4294967295 fon 1 cfv 0 tekafnrl (nil) ... Error Descriptor: ORA-600 [kcbtse_encdec_tbsblk_1] [5] [10] [616562690] [86] [2] [20] [4294967295] [] [] [] [] Error class: 0 Problem Key # of args: 1 Number of actions: 18 ----- Incident Context Dump ----- Address: 0x7f5f9f9b4148 Incident ID: 115225 Problem Key: ORA 600 [kcbtse_encdec_tbsblk_1] Error: ORA-600 [kcbtse_encdec_tbsblk_1] [5] [10] [616562690] [86] [2] [20] [4294967295] [] [] [] [] [00]: dbgexExplicitEndInc [diag_dde] [01]: dbgeEndDDEInvocationImpl [diag_dde] [02]: kcbz_encdec_tbsblk [CACHE_RCV]<-- Signaling [03]: kcbtse_encdec_tbsblk_pdb1 [CACHE_RCV] [04]: krbr3b2 [KRB] [05]: krbr1b1 [KRB] [06]: krbrValidateData [KRB] [07]: krbrpr [KRB] [08]: krbirbp [KRB] [09]: pevm_icd_call_common [PLSQL_Code_Execution] [10]: pfrinstr_ICAL [PLSQL_Code_Execution] [11]: pfrrun_no_tool [PLSQL_Code_Execution] [12]: pfrrun [PLSQL_Code_Execution] [13]: plsql_run [PLSQL_PSD_Standalones] [14]: pricar [PLSQL_Code_Execution] [15]: pricbr [PLSQL_Code_Execution] [16]: prient2 [PLSQL_Code_Execution] [17]: prient [PLSQL_Code_Execution] [18]: kkxrpc [PROGINT_PLSQL] [19]: kporpc [PROGINT_MISC] [20]: opiodr [OPI] [21]: ttcpip [] [22]: opitsk [OPI] [23]: opiino [OPI] [24]: opiodr [OPI] [25]: opidrv [OPI] [26]: sou2o [] [27]: opimai_real [OPI] [28]: ssthrdmain [] [29]: main [] [30]: __libc_start_main [] MD [00]: 'SID'='294.8383' (0x2) MD [01]: 'ProcId'='67.1' (0x2) MD [02]: 'Module'='restore incr datafile' (0x200) MD [03]: 'Action'='0000819 STARTED40' (0x200) MD [04]: 'PdbName'='PDBRENE' (0x0) MD [05]: 'Client ProcId'='*************** (TNS V1-V3).246596_140048676942848' (0x0) Impact 0: Impact 1: Impact 2: Impact 3: Derived Impact: ----- END Incident Context Dump -----
The workaround I applied to this bug is to use only the L0 backup for the duplicate command. Once I used that, the command will succeed.
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring archived log archived log thread=1 sequence=16 channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02 Finished restore at 25-JUL-21 Performing import of metadata... Finished Duplicate PDB at 25-JUL-21
We are currently working with Oracle on identifying the bug, but for now using only the L0 backup is how we are working around it.
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