Autores Invitados

  • The curious case of the datafile that “belonged” to 2 databases November 29th, 2012Rene Antunez

    First I want to start disclosing that I have an idea on how this happened, but haven’t been able to recreate this issue, also that I was lucky enough that the tablespace that had the issue was a DUMMY tablespace so it didn’t cause an issue.

    So now that the above disclosure is done, what happened is that I have a SOURCE database with 1 location for it’s datafiles +DATA1/SOURCE, but ...

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  • RAC : Opcion para verificar la “salud” de la Base de Datos en version November 14th, 2012Rene Antunez

    El otro día estaba haciendo una instalación de los binarios del Clusterware y me tope que ahora con la herramienta cluvfy en viene con una opción de verificar la “salud” de la Base de Datos.Para que esta opcion funcione tienes que instalar el usuario cvusys asi como el rol cvusapp , existe un script para poder hacer esto y se encuentra en el directorio CLUVFY_HOME/cv/admin.

    Como ...

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  • RAC : Cluvfy DB Healthcheck option starting in November 06th, 2012Rene Antunez

    So the other day I was doing an install of the Clusterware binaries and came around that with the cluvfy tool in comes now with a health check option for the Database. For this option to work you have to install or setup the cvusys user as well as the cvusapp role, a script for this, is in the CLUVFY_HOME/cv/admin directory

    As the oracle user run the ...

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  • RAC : Secuencia de Arranque del Clusterware de Oracle 11gR2 November 05th, 2012Rene Antunez

    Para cualquiera que haya trabajado con la versión 11gR2 del Clusterware de Oracle se ha topado con el diagrama de arranque de esta tecnología, y la verdad desde mi punto de vista es realmente difícil de ver y entender, y no es “KISS” , Keep It Simple Stupid por sus siglas en ingles.

    Luego hay un segundo diagrama, que ese esta mucho mejor, pero de igual manera, la calidad de este ...

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  • RMAN : Crear un respaldo consistente y un RESTORE POINT todo a la vez October 25th, 2012Rene Antunez

    Una característica que tiene RMAN en 11g es que tienes la posibilidad de crear un punto de restauración en el mismo respaldo, este método es muy útil, sobre todo cuando vas a hacer una actualización importante en tu Base de Datos y tienes que crear un respaldo antes, este es el mejor método desde mi punto de vista.

    Lo primero , es que verifico que no hay un punto de restauración para ...

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  • RAC : 11gR2 Clusterware Startup Sequence October 25th, 2012Rene Antunez

    For whoever that has worked with the 11gR2 version of RAC , has ran into the startup sequence diagram, this diagram is just disturbing to see, I don’t know about you, but for me is just unhelpful and not KISS.

    Then there is the second diagram available, which is way more clear, but in a very bad quality, you actually have to squint your eyes, and for me, and my very ...

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  • Oracle Open World 2012 : La Experiencia October 15th, 2012Rene Antunez

    Este año tuve la oportunidad de asistir al Oracle Open World, y desde mi punto de vista es algo que todo mundo que esta relacionado en el ambiente de las tecnologias de Oracle tiene que hacer por lo menos una vez en su vida, ya que no es nada mas lo que aprendes en el evento, sino como lo dice el titulo , es toda una experiencia y en todos ...

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  • Oracle Open World 2012 : Day 3 and 4 RMAN and RAC in 12 c October 04th, 2012Rene Antunez

    Due to several dinners and a few concerts, I didn’t post on day three , but here is more data regarding the new version of Oracle’s Database 12c .

    Regarding backup and recovery in this new version, you will see a great new feature in which you can now recover an object from a RMAN backup without having to restore the backup you took. Also it will enhance the ACTIVE DUPLICATE functionality ...

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  • Oracle Open World 2012 : Day 2 more of the 12c Database October 02nd, 2012Rene Antunez

    So the second day of Oracle Open World has come and gone, and the news about the 12c Version of Oracle’s signature Database keep coming in, in a General session in which Oracle Tech Guru Tom Kyte did a 15 minute feature presentation, a few things popped up that grabbed my attention.

    One of them was the introduction of adaptive execution plans , this is going to be real interesting performance ...

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  • Oracle Open World 2012 : Day 1 Database 12c Announced October 01st, 2012Rene Antunez

    So today was my first time attending Oracle Open World (OOW) , and I can’t say anything but good things about the whole experience , I don’t know if the upcoming sessions how will they be, but the User Groups Sessions rocked.

    A little bit of information about 12c Database was dropped here and there within the sessions, and one thing that I heard and really loved was RMAN will have ...

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  • La importancia de un DRP y unos cuantos datos al respecto September 25th, 2012Rene Antunez

    Este fin de semana pasado estuve involucrado en un plan de desastres y recuperación, DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) por sus siglas en ingles, básicamente lo que se hace en un DRP es planear lo peor, como por ejemplo que pasaría si tu site principal se cae, y que acciones tomar en caso de que suceda.

    Y aunque se puede decir que en un DRP tienes un control de lo que esta ...

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  • The importance of a DRP and the data that supports the need of it September 25th, 2012Rene Antunez

    Last weekend I was involved in a DRP/BCP  (Disaster Recovery Plan/Business Continuity Plan) for a client, which is basically planning out your worst case scenario , e.g. your Data site being hit by a tornado and loosing everything there, and what actions would you take in case this should happen.

    And even though you might already have a DRP , putting it into action will help you find out which steps ...

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  • RAC : How to create a user application resource in CRS September 19th, 2012Rene Antunez

    When you manage a RAC database, there is a tool called crsctl , this tool is an interface to manage all the resources belonging to the clusterware. At the same time this tool can help you to manage and have available your user applications when the cluster is running and viceversa.

    This not only helps us to have available our user applications , but also to have up and running monitoring ...

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  • RAC : Como crear un recurso de aplicacion de usuario en CRS September 05th, 2012Rene Antunez

    Cuando manejas RAC, existe un herramienta llamada crsctl, esta herramienta es una interfase para manejar los recursos pertenecientes al clusterware. Pero al igual esta herramienta te puede ayudar para que tus aplicaciones estén disponibles cuando tu cluster esta disponible y viceversa.

    Esto nos sirve a nosotros no nada mas para aplicaciones de usuario , si no también para herramientas que nos sirven para monitorear nuestros nodos, en este caso OSWbb (OS ...

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  • RMAN : How to verify I have a consistent backup September 05th, 2012Rene Antunez

    The other day I was asked How can I verify that the backup I took was a good backup. For this RMAN has several commands to verify the integrity of these.

    All the commands used below do not perform an actual recovery , it only reads and validates the backups , what I do have to say though is that is the word VALIDATE is missing in some commands and depending ...

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